Message From The CEO - AIGS
July 26, 2021.
I had hoped to avoid any mention of COVID in this message but sadly, notwithstanding the devastation caused by the recent insurrection, which in turn was sparked by the shenanigans of our recalcitrant ex-President, the pandemic continues to dominate the news and our lives.
The 3rd wave is proving to be very scary! Thank goodness we are at last administering vaccines – although far too late and not fast enough! As an early and lucky one who is now fully vaccinated, if you are a vaccine sceptic – I urge you not to be! Although, like the Flu Vaccination, it does not give 100% immunity, it is extremely effective against severe illness and death – just look at the 3rd wave statistics from the UK, which by the way has a similar size population to South Africa!
Message From The Sales Team - AIGS
Dear Valued Partners,
As we reflect on this year’s journey, having recently passed week 32 and racing towards the end of the year, we are reminded of the unwavering truth: “Motivation is the key that opens doors to greatness”. March’s sales message echoed this sentiment and today, more than ever, we remain convinced of its power and necessity.
Recent times have seen the emergence of a new COVID-19 variant, yet it’s heartening to note that it has been met with a small presence in the media landscape. While we remain vigilant, and continue to prioritise safety, the delight of in-person meetings rekindles the spirit of the “good old days”!