What is SMTP?
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol that is used to send, receive, and relay email messages between email servers. When an email is sent, it’s transferred over the internet from one server to another using SMTP. Email clients like Outlook or Gmail for example rely on SMTP to send message from one email account to another.

What is 2 Factor Authentication?
Two-factor authentication (or 2FA, for short) strengthens login security by requiring a second authentication method — a second factor beyond your username and password. The second authentication method is usually a temporary code delivered to a device in your possession, such as your mobile phone.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) uses multiple authentication factors to proves one identity.

Problem Statement
Why should you have 2FA/MFA enabled on your Gmail account?
Having 2FA enabled on an email account is great in terms of security.
However when that email account is used to send automated emails (as in the case with Yellowfin an many other applications), it becomes difficult to implementation a second authentication method.

For this reason, many email providers have implemented its own way to bypass the second authentication method for applications.
Google/Gmail for instance has implemented this by implementing Application Passwords.

Setup Process
Enabling 2FA for a Google Gmail Account

See more click here

Is it possible to have a ready made environment to quickly deploy and manage many Yellowfin instances, for – Yes indeed , it is possible.

Follow these steps to donwload and setup a dockerized instance of Yellowfin using postgresql as it’s configuration database.

Step 1: Download and install docker desktop by clicking here

Step 2: Visit the Yellowfin docker repository to pull the yellowfin image at https://hub.docker.com/r/yellowfinbi/yellowfin-all-in-one and copy the pull command, run it in the Command prompt and wait for the download to finish

e.g pull command to download an image with the latest version of yellowfin “docker pull yellowfinbi/yellowfin-all-in-one:latest”

Step 3: Start the Yellowfin instance by running a docer run statement in the command promt. e.g docker run –name YellowfinDocker -p 80:8080 yellowfinbi/yellowfin-all-in-one:latest

The default ram for the instance is 4096 , however you can give it more ram by specifying the -e APP_MEMORY parameter during start up. e.g docker run –name YellowfinDocker -p 80:8080 -e APP_MEMORY=4096 yellowfinbi/yellowfin-all-in-one:latest

Step 4: wait a few minutes for the yellowfin instance to start up and then access your yellowfin instance using the exposed port number which in our case is port 80 – e.g http://localhost:80 – (to see if your instance is running, you can monitor the logs on your Docker desktop app)

Step 5: Load your license file and start exploring your BI tool

NB: Yellowfin All-In-One

The Yellowfin All-In-One image contains the Yellowfin application and repository database.

This can be used for short trials and demonstrations.

This image will not persist data outside of the Docker container, and all content will be lost when the container is shutdown.

This Docker image cannot be used in a clustered environment.

Client Server IP addresses needs to be whitelisted to allow them to retrieve Yellowfin content. (This needs to be the external ip or hostname of the client server and the port for example http://clientapp:800)

This is configured in Administration -> Configuration -> System -> General Settings

View JavaScript Prerequisites

Yes, it is possible to embed a single table or graph.

We have found in the past that iframes are not always the best containers to embed Yellowfin content into, below is a link addressing some of the concerns

View iFrame Integration

The simplest method of embedding content is by using “script-tag integration” (which can be used without the need for a container)

You copy the script tag from you Yellowfin content share option and use it in the client application.

View how to embed Yellowfin Content

This is just one of the integration methods supported by Yellowfin, the below link gives some information on all the available methods.

View Integrating Yellowfin